
We have valued the power of critical, philosophical thinking for some time at Highfield. Challenging children's thoughts and ideas helps them to establish their own values through reflection, discussion and provocation. It also challenges our own ideals and opinions. 

All staff have received Level One Philosophy for Children training with Sapere Accredited trainer Neil Phillipson. As a result the school has committed to engaging in philosophical thinking regularly each week. We ask a range of questions to help us better understand the world around us, including the decisions people make. Some of our questions are quick thinking questions called 'thunks'. These are displayed on our digital notice board in the Reading Lounge. Here are a few to get your brain buzzing! 

  • What colour is happiness?
  • Can you ever feel lonley in a room filled with your friends?
  • If you keep something you have found that doesn't belong to you, have you stolen it? 


Blacon Point Rd, Blacon, Chester CH1 5LD

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