The Highfield Curriculum Model

The curriculum at Highfield is Learning-in-Context based.  We have a Look Up, Look Out, Look Beyond thread running through our curriculum, which encourages children to ‘Look Up’ and be interested in their own learning and environment; ‘Look Out’ to both see links in what they are learning, and see which opportunities are available; and ‘Look Beyond’ to encourage aspirations and thoughts beyond their locality and experiences.

The way we arrive at our curriculum is something we are very proud of at Highfield and believe that this is what makes our curriculum special.  The content is selected by our pupils and staff each year and the whole school collaborate and work on the same topics at various intervals and depths throughout the year.  

This leads to rich, cross-curricular outcomes that encompass the whole of our school community. It will provide collaborative links between classes and across Key Stages, allowing us to illustrate the progression evident across our school, providing models of excellence for younger pupils and opportunity to coach and embed the knowledge and skills they have learned.  Where possible the children can suggest and help plan their own topic.

Learning in Context document

Click the logo below:

LOGO 2.png
If you would like an emailied or editable version of this document, please email us.


We are guided by our 'Building Block' progression documents for each of the Foundation Subjects.  These detail the procedural concepts (skills) we expect our pupils to cover in Early Years to Year 6.   Alongside these run the substantive concepts (knowledge), of which revisiting objectives and applying them in different contexts is central to our approach.


LOGO.jpg art.png computing2.png DT2.png geography.png history.png



Art and Design

(procedural concepts)


(procedural concepts)

Design Technology

(procedural concepts)


(procedural concepts)


(procedural concepts)

languages.png Music.png PE.png PSHCE.png RE.png science.png


(procedural concepts)


(procedural concepts)

Physical Education

(procedural concepts)


(procedural concepts)

Religious Education

(procedural concepts)


(procedural concepts)

If you would like an emailied or editable version of any of these documents, please email us.



LOGO.jpg  Y1 logo.png Y2 logo.png Y3 logo.png Y4 logo.png Y5 logo.png Y6 logo.png



Year 1

(substantive concepts)

Year 2

(substantive concepts)

Year 3

(substantive concepts)

Year 4

(substantive concepts)

Year 5

(substantive concepts)

Year 5

(substantive concepts)

If you would like an emailied or editable version of any of these documents, please email us.

Blacon Point Rd, Blacon, Chester CH1 5LD

T: 01244 259 650 | Email: