Year 1 2024 - 2025


Welcome to Year One - Spring Term

Let's Go: Magical Adventures Await!

with Mrs Falvey and Mrs Barber



Shop Space Toys |




In English, we will be using the Story Box approach, which children first encountered in Early Years, to explore themes of our texts. 

The Story Box ritual is drama-rich and engages leaners through provocations, requiring deep thinking, with a focus on raising the profile of oracy. 

This half term, we will be using 'Hermelin' by Mini Grey. We will be building up to writing our own detective story and letter. 

Reading diaries and reading books will now be collected in on MONDAY and new books given out on Mondays. We will be completing on a Thursday so please ensure that reading records are in school everyday so that we can record what the learning that has taken place in guided reading. . Thank you for supporting your child with their five reads. The new books are designed to ensure children have a sound understanding of their phonics and have the opportuity to discuss new vocabulary with you. 

Science - Every Day Materials

• Distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made.
• Identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water, and rock.
• Describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials.
• Compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties.



In Maths, we are following the Highfield progression of skills document.

Place Value:

Count, read and write to 100 

Read/write to 20 in numerals & words 

Addition and Subtraction:

Number Bonds



           Capacity and volume

Telling the time



Some useful maths links for you:


Count to 120

Count back from 100


Things to remember in Year 1:

  • P.E is on Fridays.
  • Try for five reads each week - you will be entered into a Grand Prize Draw (the Bike raffle) for every week you achieve 5.
  • Homework due Mondays and given out on Wednesdays.


Here are some links to websites that will help you support your child:





Data and information – Grouping data

pentagon.jpg       square.jpg       rectangle.jpg       triangle.jpg



Year 1: Gallery items

There are no Gallery items to display

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