Year 4 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Year 4
Mr Bull and Mrs Stanbridge
Class Dojo is a great way for us to keep in touch with you. We post regular photos of the work we have been doing in school.
There is also the option for you to upload things you've been doing at home to your child's portfolio. It's always great to see what you've been up to!
Our PE will be on a Wednesday with Mr Coleclough Please can all Year 4 children come into school on these days in their PE Kit.
Please ensure that your child is dressed in the correct PE kit.
World Knowledge
The Autumn's term's World Knowledge context for learning is 'Wildlife connections' - Conservation in Action.
Over the term, we will be learning about Global trade and the history of our local trade.
We will be investigating 3 main concepts:
trade, equality and responsibility.
We will be linking other areas of the curriculum to our context for learning this term.
Over our first half term, we will be focusing on the text 'The Whale'. A wordless epic that illustrates the search for a Great Spotted Whale. Although a sighting fifty years ago was claimed, it was was never corroborated. Now two young whale watchers each set out to find the whale, one armed with sound-recording equipment, the other with a camera. When their boats collide, they pool their resources to capture incontrovertible proof that the mythical whale exists.
Over the coming weeks, we will be working on numerous skills, including:
Place Value: Digit values, Count in multiples, 1000 more/less, Negative numbers
Addition and Subtraction: Formal method inverse operations
Multiplication and Division: Formal layout, Distributive law, Problems, Facts up to 12x12, x/÷ by 0 & 1, multiplying 3 numbers
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages: Divide by 10 and 100, Rounding to whole number. Eqivalent fractions, decimal notation up to 2 decimal places, Counting in hundredths
Geometry: Co-ordinates in first quadrant, Plot points and draw sides for a polygon, Compare and classify shapes, compare/identify angles
Measures: Time analogue/ digital 12hr/24hr.
In Science, we will be learning about 'Living things and their environments'.
Things to Remember in Year 4:
P.E. Wednesday with Mr Coleclough
Swimming - Autumn term 1 - Friday afternoon
Homework set on Wednesday due the following Monday
Spelling Test on Wednesday
Five reads a week with reading diaries due on Monday.
Three Times Table Rockstar practise 3 times a week
Home-read books are changed throughout the week
Reading diaries to be brought in every day.
Useful Links
Useful Websites
Chromelab |
Ableton |
Crickweb (Literacy and maths educational games) (KS2)
Fun Brain (Maths, reading and spelling games) (KS1 & KS2)
Learning Games for Kids (Spelling and word games) (KS1 & KS2) (Spelling rules, incl. vowels, blends, plurals etc) (KS1 & KS2)
ICT (Look, cover, check game) (KS1 & KS2)