Year 5 2023 - 2024

Mr Bull


Welcome to Year 5!

Mr Bull and Mrs McFetridge

Summer Term 2023 – 2024

Our whole school Learning in Context theme is:

Migration: Incredible Journeys

Migration: what next for the UK? - Theos Think Tank - Understanding ...

 Class Dojo is a great way for us to keep in touch with you. We post regular photos of the work we have been doing in school and share any messages that need to communicated with the whole class. There is also the option for you to upload things you've been doing at home.  It's always great to see what you've been up to!



The Hound of the Baskervilles

Late one night, Sir Charles Baskerville is attacked outside his castle in Dartmoor, England.  Could it be the Hound of the Baskervilles, a legendary creature that haunts the nearby moor? The Hound of the Baskervilles (Graphic Revolve: Common Core ...


The key skills we will be focusing on are:


Use of expanded noun phrases to convey complicated information concisely

Fronted adverbials to add cohesion

Describe settings, characters and atmosphere

Relative clauses to add extra detail

Use of commas to punctuate parenthesis


Shared Reading

This half term, Year 5 will be reading the text: Street Child


    Street Child : Berlie Doherty : 9780007311255 : Blackwell's 


 The unforgettable tale of an orphan in Victorian London, based on the boy whose plight inspired Dr Barnardo to found his famous children’s homes. 



Geometry Image


This half term, Year 5 are focusing on:


Statistics: Solve sum, difference and comparison problems using line graphs

Geometry: Find missing lengths in rectangles. Describe, identify and represent shapes following translation or reflection. 

Percentages: Can use 1% to calculate 10%, 5%, 50% and 100%



This half term in science, we will be focusing on the topic ‘Forces’.


Types Of Forces - Electrostatic Force | Spring Force | Physics


Explain and demonstrate how levers work

Explain why objects fall to Earth

Invetsigate the impact of air resistance

Investigate and explore the effect of friction on different materials

Explain and demonstrate how a pulley works


World Knowledge

In Year 5, we will be focussing on developing our understanding of Victorian Chester


Charismatic Chester, England - Mark and Janet Travel The Planet


We will be asking:

  • How has Chester changed?
  • What parts of Victorian Chester still exist today?

             How have the Victorians impacted our lives today? 


Image result for PE

Year 5 PE is on a Friday afternoon.   Please can all the children come into school on this day in clothes and shoes that are suitable for PE.


Summer Term 1: Athletics and Cricket


Things to remember in Year 5:

  • P.E. Friday with Mr Coleclough
  • Homework set on Wednesday due for the following Monday
  • Spelling Test on Wednesday 
  • Five reads a week with reading diaries due in on Monday.
  • Times Table Rockstar practise each week set alongside homework
  • Home read books are changed throughout the week
  • Monday reading diaries in for guided reading

Useful websites:





Files to Download

Year 5: Gallery items

There are no Gallery items to display

Blacon Point Rd, Blacon, Chester CH1 5LD

T: 01244 259 650 | Email: