Museum of Liverpool 18.10.2016

Lesson: History

Class: Year 2 Year: 2016 - 2017

On Tuesday 18th October 2016 we went to the Museum of Liverpool to explore Transport Across Time - I like to move it.  We participated in activities and learned all about various forms of transport from the past.  We looked at a sail boat, a horse and carriage, a stream train, a penny farthing, an old car, a tractor and an overhead train.  We discussed how they moved and with what force.  The children also dressed up.  We looked at a first class carriage and a 3rd class train carriage and we identified the differences. This also lead to a futher P4C discussion back at school when we debated:

Was it fair and why?    

We have since written recounts and discussed what we learned and enjoyed. 


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